UH NEWS Liberated Press

A History
by Michael Steiner

Year 1 (9/68–5/69), Part 2

Jack and Ben right from the beginning make it clear what they wanted. They demanded more power for the student Government; removing the “F” as in Faculty from SFA and making it SA: it was now the STUDENT Association. A new Constitution was created giving more power and a voice to the students in UH decisions.

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Jack would take everything from the Cafeteria Services all the way to calling for a change to the mascot from the Hawk to the Turkey. More importantly he would push for more visitation rights in the dorms(still back in the day of separate Male and Female dorms) to the abolition of curfews for women. Ben would be the the second half of the tag team pressuring the Administration to make major compromises in this regard.

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Another feature was the Letters to the Editor. Jack would include every one; from the vehemently conservative to the strident radical and revolutionary, and the simply far out and other worldly

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Next: Year 1 (9/68–5/69), Part 3

[ UH NEWS Liberated Press | A History ]

Presentation created and maintained by Hank Mishkoff
©2018-2019 Michael Steiner