UH NEWS Liberated Press

A History
by Michael Steiner

Year 1 (9/68–5/69), Part 6

The Spring Semester brought about some tumultuous changes that the UH News was both the bearer of: bad, and good news.

During the last weekend in March in part of what was called Black Student Weekend, a group of black students; part of the Afro- American Organization, occupied Gengras Center and asked for immediate publication of 18 proposals it wanted the UH Administration to act upon. A number of actions reported, but. To this day never confirmed included the burning of several issues of the UH News. Regardless: a series of articles both before and during the meeting held in Suisman Lounge included articles by Jack and Ben – supporting the group and its proposals, an attempt at conciliation by School Chancellor Woodruff; and articles by the leadership of the AfroAmerican Organization; making their case most directly and forcefully.

During the meeting speeches by Sam Schley, founder of the Afro American Organization, Paul Britto, President, Elliott Dixon and Angelo Lewis highlighted the reasons for their proposal which are listed: 1)A Black Student Department – staffed by those acceptable to the Afro American Organization, 2) The percentage of students should represent and reflect the black ethnic percentage in Hartford, 3) No Black Student should be expelled,etc., without the judgement of their peer group., 4) 15K Budget for the Organization to be annually allotted, 5) Dormitory complex to be named after black heroes, 6) Hiring of Black Security Guards, 7) A Black Student Newspaper, 8) A Black Library, 9) Emergency fund to be established for black students, 10) New Careers Program instituted for black community members, 11) Black athletic scholarships, 12)Fellowships for black graduate students , 13) Satellite schools for the Black Community, 14) Black performance artists to be hired to live in residence, 15) Black Freshman Orientation, 16) One third of WWUH air time to be for Black listening, 17) Black Membership on Board of Regents reflect percentage of blacks in Hartford, 18) Universal observance of Black Holidays.

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It may be noted for future reference that many of these proposals are still in implementation today. The major question of Blacks controlling their destiny and being taught and led by Blacks was a subject that all student leadership supported fully. As a result – an agreement was reached regarding the proposal made for a Black Newspaper by Jack, Ben, and the Afro American Organization as follows : Starting with the remaining spring issues of the paper and continuing into the following year; a black insert – edited by Angelo Lewis, run by Blacks and those appointed by blacks began.

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Next: Year 1 (9/68–5/69), Part 7

[ UH NEWS Liberated Press | A History ]

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©2018-2019 Michael Steiner